Friday 31 December 2010

Who's birthday today?

Hi, peeps! Today is 31st of December 2010. Wow the times really goes so fast. 2010 is almost over, and 2011 is ready to come. Bytheway, I wanna show you the birthday girls today. Who's them? Let's see!

First, she's Fatchi Rihadatul Aisy (Riha).
Yepp she's my cousin. She's 15th years old now. But, she's in the same grade with me. Dia itu orangnya baikbanget. Kalo ada masalah apa2, gue lebih nyaman cerita ke dia daripada orang rumah. Pokoknya dia sepupu yang paling deket sama guelah. Selain bisa jadi temen curhat, dia juga bisa jadi temen buat adu bacot HAHA. Seru deh pokoknya kalo udah menggila sama dia. Here she is..

Second, she's Rakhmi Fatharani (Rakhmi).
She's my jhs schoolmate. Gapernah sekelas di sekolah tapi jadi lumayan deket semenjak sekelas di maes. Dia orangnya lucubanget! Apalagi pipinya yang tembem itu HEHE *maafkanakurakhmi*. Dia juga baikbanget. Oh iya, masa ternyata kita punya impian yang sama loh. Waktu itu pas di maes, kita kan sebangku, abis itu ngerumpi tentang masa depan. Jadi, kita tuh abis dari 85 pengen lgsg pindah ke sebelah, yaitu SMAN 34 Jakarta. Pas udh 3thn di 34, kita mau kuliah di UI sampe S1. Abis itu lanjutin S2 di Inggris deh *aminyarabbalalamin*. Do you wanna see this girl? Here she is..

Happy birthday for them. I wish all the best for them. Longevity, be a better person, be more diligent to pray, be more grateful, and all of their dreams come true, and...........etc which are the best. For Rakhmi, I also wish you longlast with your boyf, Hadi :p

Once more, happy birthday, girlsssssssss (dek Riha & Rakhmi)!! I love y'all


R. Fatharani Miftah said...

oldaaaaa makasiih yaa hehe :*

oldaaarrrggghhh said...

samasamaaa Miiii :*