Wednesday 29 December 2010

All I wanna say is......sorry

Maaf ya mungkin kata-kata gue terlalu dalem apa gimana. Gue tau kok lu pasti kaget pas baca, kok gue bisa sampe segininya.. Sebelumnya, makasih banget ya udah mau ngertiin gue. I want you to know that I didn't mean to end this friendship. I just need more time to understand this feeling. My own feeling. People said that the time can heal the scars. Nah, itu yang mau gue coba ke diri gue sendiri. Mungkin dengan gue diem untuk sementara waktu, rasa kesel gue bisa ilang sedikit demi sedikit. Ah satu lagi, the one I want to forget is my pain, not you. So, do not think that I want to end this friendship. Don't feel very guilty. It's also my false. I'm so sorry for being too sensitive, too selfish, and also too childish. Sorry. Do you want to forgive me? :(

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