Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H

Salut! Comment allez-vous? *well, I'm learning to speaking in French-_-* Guess what, guys............. Ramadhan is over!!!!!!!!!! Happy Eid! I can't describe how the time goes this fast. On one side I feel so excited because tomorrow is Lebaran day but in the other side I feel so sad too because I dn't have to fasting everyday anymore and it make me feels like...umm...something's missing, dude. Lebaran is one of the day that I always wait for each year. I can meet the whole family and having fun together. Biasanya ya, kalo Idul Fitri itu bangun lebih pagi soalnya mau keramas, trus sholat Id, trus salam-salaman sama semua keluarga, siap-siap sambil nungguin tamu dateng, udah deh makan sepuasnya hehehehehe

Minal aidin wal faidzin, please forgive all of my mistakes that I have made... Once again, happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H! :D

Have a great Lebaran day!

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