Monday, 31 December 2012


ur sweetest cousin,

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Gak kerasa tahun 2012 tinggal 30 jam lagi. Sebentar lagi 2013, abis itu 2014. W-O-W. Mau cepet-cepet lulus. Tapi belum siap sama segala macam ujian buat kelas XII. Well, di tahun 2012 ini akademis gue bener-bener ancur, apalagi yang baru ini, semester 3. Rasanya tau nilai rata-rata sekaligus rapot semester 3 itu bener-bener bikin pengen ambil silet trus..................#fillintheblank
Yah...sudahlah. Yang lalu biar berlalu. Waktu itu, ada orang sms gue:

Juara itu tidak boleh kalah dengan dirinya sendiri, 
dengan kepentingan orang lain, dengan ambisi, 
dengan ketidakberdayaan, dan dengan perasaannya. 
Ia hanya boleh jatuh untuk bangun kembali,
ia hanya boleh lelah untuk bekerja kembali,
ia hanya boleh salah untuk jadi lebih baik lagi.

Guten nacht! :)

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Something on 29th Sept

What's up on the end of September?????? Ha! I'll tell you guys now. Before that, let me ask for your apologize because of the late posting and kinda "basi". BUTTTT THIS IS ONE OF MY BEST DAY THIS YEAR!!! I SWEAR. I can't stop to thank God for giving this chance. So....what was up on September 29th????

That was "COLLABOREIGHT"!!!!!!!!! It was the closing of 8Schoolastic which was held on September 22nd-28th. C8 was sooooooooooooo extremely awesome! For those who didn't watch that, you must be regretful now. Lol just kidding :p But then, what am I doin' there? I slept. Of course not! I danced. Traditioal dance, for sure. With my fellow Tatra 2014 and of course my senior Tatra 2013, we devided into 7 groups to danced some traditional dances, such as Saman, Gending Seriwijaya, Betawi, Sunda Bali, Ambon, Sulawesi, and at last Kalimantan. I danced Saman and Kalimantan. And that was my first time dancing on the stage (not for a competition). And I'll tell you guys, dancing on the stage is indescribable addictive!!!!!!!! And thanks to C8, all of the actors&actresses, all of the musicians, all of other performers, all of the crews of C8, and espsecially Tatra 2013, and Tatra 2014 I had such a great time with them! C8 was superdupertriple amazing! I can't tell you specifically the event but, C8 was so flawless sometimes I wanna again >_<  One of my fellow Kalimantan, Arinta, said "Collaboreight 2012. Simply unforgettable". Here are some photos of that day... (I got these from my friend)

(the "Enggang" group, minus kak Puput)

(with others: Saman, Sulawesi, and Ambon)

 (Kalimantan in action!)

Well, I think I'm gonna end this post now because I have to go study for the mid-term test. OH YES! MID-TERM TEST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish me bunches of luck guys! No more failure on the exact subjects. Amin.


Sunday, 23 September 2012

It's turning to 16..

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Sangat amat berterimakasih sama Allah SWT. Yang Maha Pemurah, masih mau ngasih hidup sampe 16 tahun ini. Untuk tahun ke 16 ini, harapannya gak muluk-muluk deh..cuma mau semua keluarga sehat wal afiyat, bisa jadi sholehah beneran, bisa jadi anak/adek/sodara/temen yang baik, bisa tingkatin prestasi biar bikin orangtua bangga, dan mudah2an semua urusannya lancar. Amiiin yra. 
Oiya, tahun ini juga mudah2an bisa gak gampang ngeluh. Akhir-akhir ini, jadi sering banget ngeluh gara2 mikirin ini-itu, harus ngerjain ini-itu, astaghfirullah. I think that's all. I just wanna say alhamdulillahirrobbilalamin.. I wanna thank to my parents, my sister&brother, all of my family, and all of my friends. They're all great. Ich liebe dich  

 the one who's getting old,

Sunday, 12 August 2012


HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My school is off until 26th August and I'll go to my grandma's on this Tuesday by car. Can't wait!!!!!!!! This one will be a great trip :D

Sunday, 5 August 2012

What's up bro?!? Today is 5th August 2012. It means that today is the 17th Ramadhan. Whoaaaa Lebaran is getting closer!!!!!!!!!! Yeyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I still go to school until 10th August and will start. As usual, I'll go to my grandma's house to spend the holiday and have a gathering with the whole family. Yepp!!! That's the part that I love the most! 
Ah! Lately, I'm in love with Emdrew (Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield). I blame The Amazing Spiderman for that! Lol. They are really perfect together. I ship them hard!!! *stop this* 
The last but not least, I wanna greet my lil' cousin, Salis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Keep being funny and cute. Ich liebe dich{{}} 
Well, I guess that was all that I wanna say. Happy fasting! :)

Friday, 6 July 2012

The first year has passed!

Hi guys!!! It's been a quite long time to not post anything on this blog. I'm gonna tell you that......I have already got my report card. The result is disappointing but......I promise I'll study harder for my second year in high school. Alhamdulillah I get science class which I wanted since long time ago. Whoaa I can't believe that one year goes so increadibly fast (forgetting the pain of being a high school's student) I still remember one year ago, when I felt very happy, very amused to know that I was accepted in SMAN 8 Jakarta. But now, when I've already known how to survive in that school....I wanna vomit. Lol.
As I told you before, I've got science class for the next 2 years and hopefully I can study harder and better that will make my dreams come true in the future. :) Wish me tons of luck, guys!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Have you ever felt like...kangen tapi mau sms sungkan, mention di twitter pun segan. HAHA

Friday, 8 June 2012

Today, sumatif test is over. One year ago, I was really-really happy bcause of something, but now, it's kinda regret to be happy at that time. Hehe. Good nite :)

Saturday, 19 May 2012


Sumatif test is getting closer but I am not even ready. Wish me luck, guys {}

Monday, 16 April 2012

an awesome Monday

Hi people!!!!!! I just arrived at home after meeting my insane-girls lol. I'm serious. I mean, their craziness make me soooooo feel good and I miss them so much since I hvn't met them for more than 4 months. We were talking about our current life, we were playing together, eating together, even taking photos toghether. Here are some..

Well, I'm tired now. But I can't deny that today was extremely fun!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for today, DinaAldaUlfaSiva

Friday, 6 April 2012

Ich bin müde

I feel like I wanna run away from my current life. I want my past back. There are too much moments that I wanna repeat again. Too much. Start from live in my house everyday with my parents, my 9th grade class: totally-insane NueveSeis, 'till my scores on school. Sounds funny but............yea I miss all of those. At past, I made my parents lil' bit happy bcause of my school's score. But now?????? HHH it's so d*mn hard to get you pass from the minimum score. I know, I have to study so much harder than before. I know that right. But I just................tired. I'm sick of these. I keep thinking "when will this fvckin tired period over?!?!?"
Ya Allah......... me.

the girl who's sick of her life,

Saturday, 31 March 2012

To: NueveSeis

Words really can't tell how much I miss all of you.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

this isn't important at all._.

H-1 lomba sasasamamaman! Wish us luck!!!!! (•̀_•́)ง

Sunday, 1 January 2012


New spirit to do all those things which have been planned.

Honestly, 2011 was too sweet to be forgotten but

I wish 2012 is so much better than 2011.

Happy new year folks! :]